Arvind Sethi
Arvind Sethi was at Mayo College, Stowe School and read Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) at Oxford University. His professional career began in 1979 as an Assistant Editor at the Economic Times in Mumbai. A year later he joined banking and had a twenty year career in Treasury with Grindlays, HSBC and Bank of America. He was also the CEO of Tata Mutual Fund from 2013 to 2015. He now serves on the boards of some companies as an Independent Director. In 2012, he fortuitously chanced upon the sculptures and temples of Badami and has been devoting most of his time to studying Indology, with plans to research some aspect of the temples and sculptures of the Early Chalukyas. He completed his diploma in Indian Aesthetics and Critical Theory with Jnanapravaha Mumbai, where he now conducts a two day module on Brahmanical Iconography.